“I have returned from the depth of hell . The power of the Darkness Spark has
resurrected me. Now I will destroy you all and seize the universe for
myself .” said Dark Lugiel .
Ultraman Ginga got into his stance and says : “No , we will defeat you once and for all , Dark Lugiel !”
The six Ultras flew towards the cliff and charged towards Dark Lugiel at the same
time. Now that he had Darkness Spark’s power , he had the ability to fly as well. He
flew up and shot his Dark Energy Bolts from the orb of his chest . The six Ultras dodged it as Dark Lugiel landed on the ground .
“The Darkness Spark has provided me the amazing power . I am much stronger than I had hoped for.”
Ultraman Ginga and the others land back on the ground and he says : “We won’t let you defeat us that easily!”
He ran towards Dark Lugiel and exchange attacks with the villain . Dark Lugiel blocked his attack and punched Ginga on his chest. Ultraman Tiga moved towards to help Ginga and he charges and hit Dark Lugiel with his Tiga Slicer . Dark Lugiel blocked
it and hit him with his Dark Energy Beam . Just as Ginga and Tiga tried to get up on their feet, Dark Lugiel hit them with the Darkness Special Beam and knocked them off the cliff. The two Ultras were knocked unconscious when they hit the ground.
“Pathetic! I thought you were the warriors of light but you lack the powers to defeat me. Who else dares to challenge my power?”
Ultraman and Ultraman Taro stepped forward and tried to attack him together.
“Empera, you will feel the fury of the power of the light !” said Ultraman.
“They might be unconscious for the moment ... but when they recover , they will defeat you !” said Ultraman Taro.
The two Ultra Brothers attacked Dark Lugiel to give time for both Ginga and Tiga to
recover. Dark Lugiel’s strength was more than a match for the two Ultras as he
easily knocked them aside. Dark Lugiel’s arrogance left him open for the attacks
from Ultraman Zero and Ultraman Dyna. Zero and Dyna hit him with their Emerium Slash and Dynamic Ray from
behind. Their attacks had made Dark Lugiel weaker and vulnerable to more
“You fools ! You will pay for that attacks !” roared Dark Lugiel. He exchanged attacks with them and bought more time for Ginga
and Tiga to recover. Dark Lugiel began to weaken with each attacks Zero
and Dyna landed on him. Ultraman and Taro combined their Specium Ray and Storium Ray together and the combined beam caused Dark Lugiel to fall on his knees .
Ginga and Tiga had finally recovered from the
attack Dark Lugiel gave them. Ultraman Ginga flew towards him and hit him with his Ginga Cross Shot . Ultraman Tiga hit Dark Lugiel with his Zepellion Ray after Ginga
finished his attack.
“All right , Ginga-kun . I think it is time we gathered our powers to combine the final attack .”
Ginga nodded “Yes, for the future of the universe, this will be the end of you , Empera!
Their bodies began to glow as they shot the rainbow-colored beam towards Dark Lugiel . “ESPECIALLY FLASH !!!” they yelled as they hit the Darkness Spark inside Dark Lugiel. The powerful beam caused Dark Lugiel to explode as he blew up. Now that Dark Lugiel was
defeated and this time it was for good.
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Monday, 25 November 2013
Bionicle 2008 - Toa Nuva's Final Mission : Invade Destral
Greeting , Toa Nuva .
At last , a golden chance of victory is rising and it's about a right time to strike now . It appears that the Great Spirit Mata Nui must be awaken once more .
There are good news and bad news . The good news is that your friend , Toa Ignika is the key to the reawakening of the Great Spirit as he was now wearing the Mask of Life and this mask will awaken Mata Nui as i finally found the source of Mata Nui's reawakening : the Codrex which is the mind of Mata Nui .
But the bad news is : that the Codrex was located inside the place which is none other that Destral , the fortress of the Brotherhood of Makuta and it won't be easy . Destral is a very dangerous place and was packed with the members of the Brotherhood of Makuta and their army . Also , avoid the deadly traps and hidden weapons inside as well .
However , we don't have much time left . The Great Spirit Mata Nui must be awakened once more . Infiltrate the Brotherhood of Makuta Fortress , find the location of the Codrex and end this once and for all .
This is your last battle , fellow Toa . You got to succeed this time because there won't be any second chance .Good Luck and may the Great Beings guide you .
Main Objectives :
- Infiltrate Destral and find the way into the Codrex .
- Find all the Shadow Matoran and change them back into Av-Matoran . Remember not to hurt or kill them all .
- Find Kopaka and free him from the control that the Brotherhood of Makuta placed .
- Escort Toa Ignika . He is the key to the reawakening of Mata Nui . He must not be get killed during the battle .
- Defeat all the Rahkshi and the Visorak .
- Destroy 10 generators that supported the Brotherhood of Makuta fortress .
- Look for the keycard of the Cordrex .
- Defeat all the members of the Brotherhood of Makuta and end their reign of terror once and for all .
It appeared that you also had the bonus mission which was during your final mission . I got the recent news as it goes like this : the Order of Mata Nui have reported that their prisoner Pridak , a Barraki was recently captured by some members of the Brotherhood of Makuta and was now imprisoned inside their fortress . I still do not know what the Brotherhood of Makuta want from him but i can't explain the reason after that .
If he was reported to be still alive , i suggested that you need to rescue Pridak and escort him back to Metru Nui . The Order of Mata Nui will send an airship that will come and pick him up once the job is done .
- Your objective is to locate Pridak and free him . After that , escort him to the courtyard ; this place might be easier for the airship to land and pick him up .
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Lego Bionicle Villains' Bios : Karzahni

Karzahni was one of the villains in Bionicle as well as the dreaded ruler of darkness that came from his realm , Karzahni . He was a true antagonist in the 2007 Bionicle storyline , that he was twice powerful as Mata Nui and Makuta Teridax , making him completely fearsome and intimidating .
Karzahni also wore his mask , Kanohi Olisis , the Mask of Alternate Futures which looked like four masks mixed together and its ability is to create horrible futures on others . He relied on both his brute strength and dark powers but he also have his trap weapon , which four bladed arms can wound through anything or anyone .
Not much about Karzahni's past but it was said that he was once created by the Great Beings alongside his twin brother Artakha . Soon afterwards , both of them fought each other for the possession of the Mask of Creation . As the result , Karzahni lost in the battle and he was banished into his dimension realm .
While Artakha created a safe haven for the good and skillful Matoran , Karzahni chose to create his own for the bad Matoran , which he then enslaved them into repairing his weapons .
When Karzahni learned about both the existence of Mata Nui and Makuta Teridax , he immediately saw his chance of seizing great power for himself , which he believed that he will become more powerful than them .
When the Great Catalysm struck the Great Spirit , he took refuge into the mutagenic ocean in search of new powers . Then , he stumbled the wounded Pridak , a white Barraki as he offered him a second chance of being alive again but not before he possessed the latter , mutating him into his monstrous form .
After Pridak was defeated by the Toa Mahri and their allies , it was revealed that Karzahni himself had controlled every Pridak's actions . Karzahni then decided to revealed his true form as he forced out from Pridak's body . He then engaged the heroes into the final battle , which he at first easily bested them . However , the arrival of Toa Lesovikk and his Matoran friends , Sarda and Idris gave the Toa Mahri to recover . Together , the Toa Mahri and their allies eventually destroyed Karzahni by having Hewkii damaged his trap weapon as well as both Jaller and Matoro destroyed his core . As he was dying , Karzahni pondered about the will of the Great Beings as well as Mata Nui before he faded into nothingness .
Since his death , his realm was also destroyed and the Matoran prisoners were freed at last .
Monday, 2 September 2013
Alien Survival Tips

Have you ever know of what was more scarier then zombies or monsters ? We may all certain that aliens are far more scarier than what we think . But think about this : they always hunt us down , kill us all and ... worse , destroy us all . But there are some few survival tips for you to survive alien invasion . It you follow , you will be save . You don't , you die . So , here are number of tips below :
- When you are inside the room or anything , lock the door . Don't open the door unless someone you trusted .
- Always remember , be on your guard . If you have any weapons , that might be better . But if you don't have , try to survive as possible as you can until help arrives .
- When you are in the dark corridor , always stand still if you hear some noises coming from the aliens . Don't move until the noise was off . Always keep your eyes open and sharp and look around your surroundings .
- If the alien touched you , don't fight back ! Scream as loud as you can for friends to save you .
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Lego Bionicle Villains Bio - The Barraki

However when the Great Catacylsm destroyed the prison , the Barraki were eventually freed and they escaped into the mutagenic ocean . However , they also transform into underwater monsters that can survive within the depths . Unable to reclaim their former empire , they decided to assemble the army of underwater monsters and invade Mahri Nui as well as to obtain the Kanohi Ignika , the Mask of Life .
- Pridak
- Takadox
- Ehlek
- Kalmah
- Carapar
- Mantax
1.) Pridak
Pridak was the main villain of the Bionicle 2007 storyline as well as the vicious and powerful leader of both the Barraki and the League of the Six Kingdoms . He was also the former servant of the Brotherhood of Makuta . However shortly after sometimes , Pridak eventually rebelled against the organization and abandoned his service behind and thus , begin his life as the warlord . After that , he manipulated the other Barraki into joining him and his army . Soon afterwards , the Barraki led their army against the will of the Great Beings . However , they met their painful defeat at the hands of the band of the Toa , the Brotherhood of Makuta and the Order of Mata Nui . As the result , Pridak and his minions were condemned to the Pit .
Soon when the mysterious earthquake struck the Great Spirit Mata Nui , the Barraki were freed and escaped into the ocean . Once inside , Pridak and his allies were transformed into the monstrous beings that can live inside the water only . Horrified of his new appearance , Pridak immediately devised his plan to the others of assembling the army of sea monsters and they start their attack on the Matoran of Mahri Nui .
When the Kanohi Ignika had sank into the ocean , the Barraki decided to steal the mask as they believed that the mask will transform them into their original forms . Shortly after the arrival of the heroic Toa Mahri , Pridak and the other Barraki first encounter them and unleashed the underwater monsters against the heroes .
Soon , Pridak's personality began to change . When Pridak got hold of the Ignika , he became insane and paranoid . However , Takadox was forced to put his spell on him to ease the situation . When suspicion appeared of what or who was responsible of stealing the mask , Pridak framed Carapar of being the traitor and ordered Kalmah to kill him . Fearing that the Toa Mahri might took the mask to awaken Mata Nui , he decided to launch the attack on Mahri Nui . Eventually , the Barraki and their army began their attack on Mahri Nui , which resulted the destruction of Mahri Nui as well as both the Toa Mahri and the Matoran captured .
When Pridak learned that the time of conquest have arrived , he and his allies as well as the army of sea monsters marched towards the rest of the universe , only to be interrupted by the appearance of Maxilos , who was actually Makuta Teridax himself , an evil leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta . Angered by such interference , Pridak sent his army against Teridax who easily defeated them . Then , Pridak and the remaining Barraki attacked him and eventually struck him down . Soon after Teridax's defeat , Pridak suddenly turned against his allies and killed them before taking the mask as well as heading towards the Pit .
When the Toa Mahri and their allies , Kalmah and Carapar finally confronted Pridak , it was revealed that Pridak was in fact possessed by Karzahni , the dreaded ruler of darkness as he was actually using his body to fulfill his plan . Soon after the defeat of Karzahni , Pridak soon awaken as he doesn't remember of what happened . When Matoro used the Ignika to sacrifice himself to save Mata Nui's life , the other Toa Mahri and their allies as well as the remaining Barraki were teleported back on Metru Nui . Afterwards , Pridak , Kalmah and Carapar were sent to prison under the order of Turaga Dume .
2.) Takadox
Takadox was the sly and cunning member of the Barraki and also have the hypnotic power that enable other beings to do his dirty works . Like Pridak , Takadox was also the former servant that served the Brotherhood of Makuta . Takadox was also assigned to keep watched on Pridak's actions . However , he eventually defied the organization and as the result , he decided to joined Pridak on the mission of conquest . Soon after the founding of the League of the Six Kingdoms , Takadox eventually joined Pridak and his new army to overthrow the Great Beings . However , Takadox secretly disobeyed Pridak's order and gave the Brotherhood of Makuta the information of defeating that enemy empire which resulted the devastating defeat of the League of the Six Kingdoms and the Barraki were imprisoned in the Pit .
When the Great Catacylsm shattered the entire cells of the Pit , Takadox along Pridak and the others escaped into the strange ocean . When they were inside the water , Takadox was transformed into the insect-like being . Feeling uneasy of his new appearance , Takadox was forced to paired with Carapar as well as assembling the army of sea creatures to form the new empire .
After the arrival of both the Toa Mahri and the Ignika , Pridak ordered his minions to steal the mask before the Toa Mahri do .
When the Ignika drove Pridak insane , Takadox immediately placed his power on Pridak in order to prevent him from hurting others . However , his spell was short-lived when Pridak finally broke free from his spell soon after the defeat of Makuta Teridax , as Pridak attacked his former allies . Takadox was the last to get killed when he engaged Pridak into the duel of possessing the mask as Pridak eventually slashed Takadox's body and finally finishing him off by crushing him .
3.) Ehlek
Ehlek was the brutal member of the Barraki and his spines gave off electrical powers which also glow at the same time . Ehlek was also known to breathe water from the start and even making more fortresses than the Barraki do . He was the third to join the League of the Six Kingdoms , created by Pridak and Takadox . He also believed that the League of the Six Kingdoms was betrayed by the Brotherhood of Makuta and Pridak himself was the prime suspect as the former member of the Brotherhood . Despite that , he teamed up with the rest of the Barraki to overthrow the Great Beings . However ,
4.) Kalmah
5.) Carapar
6.) Mantax
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Lego Bionicle Villains Bio : The Barraki
The Barraki are the group of warlords that terrorized Mahri Nui and were also the villains of the Bionicle story 2007 . The leader of the six Barraki , Pridak was responsible of founding the infamous League of the Six Kingdoms as they plotted to overthrow the Great Beings but were defeated by the alliance of the Order of Mata Nui , Brotherhood of Makuta and the Toa , led by Toa Lhikan . Later , the Barraki were banished to the Pit , the infamous prison .
However when the earthquake struck , they are eventually freed but found themselves transforming into their monstrous beings . Despite that , they eventually gather the army of underwater monsters to invade Mahri Nui and to retrieve Kanohi Ignika . Their first step was to attack the Matoran and enslave them if necessary .
List of Lego Bionicle Episodes ( Including the Movie )
1.) Bionicle 2001/2002 Episodes
- Episode 1 : The Coming of the Toa
- Episode 2 : Tales of the Masks
- Episode 3 : Challenge of the Rahi
- Episode 4 : The Bohrok Awake
- Episode 5 : Beware of the Bohrok
- Episode 6 : Divided We Fall
- Episode 7 : Powerless !
- Episode 8 : A Matter of Time ...
- Episode 9 : What Lurks Below
- Episode 10 : Into the Nest
- Episode 11 : Mask of Light
- Episode 12 : Rise of the Rahkshi
- Episode 13: At Last ... Takanuva !
- Episode 14 : Absolute Power
- Episode 15 : Legends of Metru Nui
- Episode 16 : Trial by Fire
- Episode 17 : Disks of Danger
- Episode 18 : The Darkness Below
- Episode 19: Seeds of Doom
- Episode 20 : Enemies of Metru Nui
- Episode 21 : Maze of Shadows
- Episode 22 :Struggle in the Sky
- Episode 23 : Monsters in the Dark
- Episode 24 : Web of the Visorak
- Episode 25 : Challenge of the Hordika
- Episode 26 : Hanging by the Thread
- Episode 27 : Fractures
- Episode 28 : Web of Shadows
- Episode 29 : Time Trap
- Episode 30 : Island of Doom
- Episode 31 : Power Play
- Episode 32 : Dark Destiny
- Episode 33 : Inferno
- Episode 34 : Showdown
- Episode 35 : In the Final Battle
- Episode 36 : Sea of Darkness
- Episode 37 : City of the Lost
- Episode 38 : Battle in the Deep !
- Episode 39 : Mask of Life , Mask of Doom
- Episode 40 : Prisoners of the Pit
- Episode 41 : Downfall
- Episode 42 : The Death of Mata Nui
- Episode 43 : Death of the Hero
- Episode 44 : Shadows in the Sky
- Episode 45 : Realm of Fear
- Episode 46 : Swamp of Secrets
- Episode 47 : Swamp of Shadows
- Episode 48 : Federation of Fear
- Episode 49 : Mata Nui Rising
- Episode 50 : Endgame
- Episode 51(Final) : The Final Battle
- Movie : Bionicle : Journey's End
Friday, 28 June 2013
Lego Bionicle Characters Bio : Makuta Teridax part 1
Makuta Teridax was the main antagonist of Lego Bionicle and was also the leader of the evil Brotherhood of Makuta . He was the mastermind who is behind the invasion of darkness that occured in the story . He also wore Kanohi Kraakhan , the Mask of Darkness and have the ability to change into any forms at will .
Not much was known of Teridax's past but he was once created by the Great Beings to serve alongside the Great Spirit Mata Nui . When Teridax came to existence , he soon became the official for Makuta Miserix , who was the past leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta . Although he recently served his emperor , Teridax also have the biological relationship with Mata Nui and they eventually became allies with each other . With their vow for peace and harmony , they decided that they are willing to protect the Matoran at all costs .
However , their lives change to the extreme turn when Pridak , a former member of the Brotherhood of Makuta as well as his organization , the League of the 6 Kingdoms launched their rebellion against their creators . However , Pridak and his lackeys were finally defeated by both Mata Nui and Teridax and the Brotherhood of Makuta then decide to execute Pridak and his allies for their crimes . Luckily , Botar , an advisor of Mata Nui decided to send them to the Pit , the prison which was for criminals .
Soon after the rebellion crushed , greed and ambition had blinded Teridax soon afterwards . He now believes that the only way to preserve peace and harmony was to enslave the entire Matoran for the sake of his ambition . Fearing that Mata Nui might found out his true nature , Teridax betrayed him and thus , destroying him but upon not realising that Mata Nui's spirit escaped . After that , he manipulates the other members of the Brotherhood of Makuta into serving his cause , thus banishing Miserix from the organization .
A few years later , Teridax and his minions launched their first attack on the realm of Artakha and successfully stole Kanohi Avohkii , the Mask of Light . Then , they keep the mask in their hideout , Destral . However unknown to them , the Toa Hagah led by Norik eventually learned their plan and started to launched their attack on Destral . During the assault , Norik and his friend Iruini were separated from the other Toa Hagah and confronted Teridax and question his betrayal . Despite Teridax's formidable powers , both Norik and Iruini eventually sealed him in the Protodermis crystal and thus , imprisoning him before they along with the rest of the Toa Hagah were eventually mutated into the strange-looking creatures called Rahaga by Roodaka , Queen of the Visorak horde .
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Lego Hero Factory Videos : All Heroes' Forms
1.) Hero Factory (2010) - Superheroes & Villains
- William Furno - Dual Fire Sword
- Preston Stormer - Multi-tool Ice Claw
- Mark Surge - Electro Claws
- Natalie Breez - Energized Guns
- Dunkan Bulk - Plasma Blaster
- Jimi Stringer - Sonic Blaster
- Furno 2.0 - Shield Claw
- Evo 2.0 - Harpoon Shooter
- Stormer 2.0 - Ice Crossbow
- Surge 2.0 - Ice Blaster
- Breez 2.0 - Energized Cutter
- Nex 2.0 - Shield Buzzsaw
- Furno 3.0 - Double-bladed Plasma Sword
- Rocka 3.0 / Rocka XL - Power Claw
- Stormer 3.0 - Ice Claw
- Bulk 3.0 - Steel Armblades
- Stringer 3.0 - Power Crusher
- Nex 3.0 - Metal Claw
- Furno - Lava Blaster
- Rocka - Energized Crossbow
- Surge - Electro Claw & Bolt Gun
- Breez - Double-bladed Sword & Plasma Blaster
- Evo - Tank-arm Blaster
- Stormer XL - Ice Sword & Ice Blaster
- Bulk- Plasma Blaster & Mini Rocket Launcher
- Stringer - Sonic Blaster
- Nex - Shield Cutter & Plasma Gun
- Furno XL - Fire Sword & Fire Shield
- Rocka - Plasma Sword & Shuriken Shield
- Breez - Plasma Bow & Razor Shuriken
- Bulk - Energized Driller & Metal Shield
- Jet Rocka - Mounted Plasma Blasters
- Stormer - Ice Katana & Ice Blade
- Surge - Electro Staff
- Evo - Power Spear
Monday, 10 June 2013
Hero Factory Brain Attack - Brain Monsters
- Scarox
- Bruizer
- Ogrum
- Pyrox
- Aquagon
- Frost Beast
- Dragon Bolt
- Blue Brain
- Light Blue Brain
- Multicolored Brain
- Green Brain
- Light Green Brain
- Yellow Brain
- Orange Brain
Hero Factory News : What's Left !?
- Heroes 1.0 (Superheroes & Villains)
- 2.0 (Fire Rescue)
- 3.0 (Animals)
- Breakout (Cops and Robbers/Alien Invasion)
- Brain Attack (Alien Invasion/Monsters)
...next !?
See most people who post here are not going to care as much...because so many of us have our own MOC. although, I've gotten a bit tired of the skeleton with plate armor in mostly the same colors. I've been doing a lot more with Bionicle these last few days.
That's the thing. I'm starting to feel the monotony of the new system and perhaps its limitations. Creatively, I'm not sure it can stand on its own (Although it mixes very very solidly with Bionicle). I have enjoyed building Laval and Gorzan from Chima (as intended even).
But, not just HF...BUT the Ultra build system in general? What's it look like to you guys?
Personally, I'm starting to wonder if all the cries to bring back Bionicle are so invalid? Bionicle incredible variety and complexity in story and building. HF and Ultrabuilds seem to be lacking, and to me, suffering for the lack of both?
But, what do you guys think? Think about that .
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Lego Hero Factory : Brain Attack - Alpha 1 Team Bios
1.) Furno XL
- Now that Furno was now well-known to be the top hero among the heroes of Hero Factory , he was assigned to led his team against the evil monsters called Brain Monsters during the event in Brain Attack . He then led his friends to save the universe while seek to defeat the evil Brain King and his army of monstrous invaders of darkness . When Furno gained his newly XL form , his armor was completely tough and he wields both his fire sword and fire shield in battle . He also control the power of fire .
2.) Rocka
- Rocka , who was once a member of the Hero Recon Team was now awarded to become an ally of Alpha 1 Team . He also at first was a rival to Furno , but now became a best friend of Furno . When the evil army of Brain Monsters began their invasion , Rocka joined forces with Furno and his friends once more to save the universe again . He gained his new armor and his weapons were his plasma sword and shuriken shield . He also gained his ultimate form under the name of Jet Rocka during the final battle with the Brain King . He wielded the power of light .
3.) Stormer
- Stormer was once a member of the original Alpha 1 Team but was now a member of the "new" Alpha 1 Team . His past failure of his original mission led him to have a harsh remarks on his fellow heroes and was completely serious and no-nonsense . During the event in Brain Attack , Stormer was assigned to accompany Furno's team to defeat the evil Brain King and his entire army of Brain Monsters . In his new form , he wields both his ice katana and his ice saw in battle and control the elemental power of ice .
4.) Surge
- Surge was a hot-tempered and hyper hero who recently served in Alpha 1 Team . He also seems to strike first before asking questions later . However , Surge himself seems to respect his friends in time of need for more action . When the Brain Monsters invade the universe , Surge was assigned to joined forces with Furno's Alpha 1 Team to save the universe . In his new armored form , his weapon was his electro crossbow and his winged jet-pack allowed him to fly across higher regions with ease . He also wields the lightning element .
5.) Breez
- Breez was the only female member for Alpha 1 Team . She also cares for everyone and was upset when someone got harmed by evildoers . She also seems to have a crush on Furno and frienship towards Surge . During the invasion in Brain Attack , she accompany Furno and his friends to defeat the Brain King and the Brain Monsters . In her new form , Breez wields a plasma bow and saw shuriken and she controls the element of wind .
6.) Evo
- Evo was once a rookie member of Hero Recon Team alongside Rocka and Nex but was now promoted to become a member for Alpha 1 Team . He was also a "student" of Furno as Furno will promised to teach Evo a meaning of being a hero . During the attack of the Brain Monsters , Evo was the one to accompany Furno's Alpha 1 Team to put an end of the invasion . In this form , Evo's weapon was his twin-headed lance and his water-breathing equipment allowed him to survive underwater with ease . His elemental power was water .
7.) Bulk
-Bulk was a hardcore and tough hero who serves as a member of Alpha 1 Team . He also have a higher respect for his team but was dumb at the same time . However , he display his limitless strength in order to defeat his enemies . When a army of Brain Monsters led by the Brain King invaded the universe , bulk was the one of the members assembled by Furno to defeat the menacing threat once and for all . In his new form , Bulk's armor was virtually strong and his weapons were his drill blaster and iron steel . Bulk wields the elemental power of earth .
- Now that Furno was now well-known to be the top hero among the heroes of Hero Factory , he was assigned to led his team against the evil monsters called Brain Monsters during the event in Brain Attack . He then led his friends to save the universe while seek to defeat the evil Brain King and his army of monstrous invaders of darkness . When Furno gained his newly XL form , his armor was completely tough and he wields both his fire sword and fire shield in battle . He also control the power of fire .
2.) Rocka
- Rocka , who was once a member of the Hero Recon Team was now awarded to become an ally of Alpha 1 Team . He also at first was a rival to Furno , but now became a best friend of Furno . When the evil army of Brain Monsters began their invasion , Rocka joined forces with Furno and his friends once more to save the universe again . He gained his new armor and his weapons were his plasma sword and shuriken shield . He also gained his ultimate form under the name of Jet Rocka during the final battle with the Brain King . He wielded the power of light .
3.) Stormer
- Stormer was once a member of the original Alpha 1 Team but was now a member of the "new" Alpha 1 Team . His past failure of his original mission led him to have a harsh remarks on his fellow heroes and was completely serious and no-nonsense . During the event in Brain Attack , Stormer was assigned to accompany Furno's team to defeat the evil Brain King and his entire army of Brain Monsters . In his new form , he wields both his ice katana and his ice saw in battle and control the elemental power of ice .
4.) Surge
- Surge was a hot-tempered and hyper hero who recently served in Alpha 1 Team . He also seems to strike first before asking questions later . However , Surge himself seems to respect his friends in time of need for more action . When the Brain Monsters invade the universe , Surge was assigned to joined forces with Furno's Alpha 1 Team to save the universe . In his new armored form , his weapon was his electro crossbow and his winged jet-pack allowed him to fly across higher regions with ease . He also wields the lightning element .
5.) Breez
- Breez was the only female member for Alpha 1 Team . She also cares for everyone and was upset when someone got harmed by evildoers . She also seems to have a crush on Furno and frienship towards Surge . During the invasion in Brain Attack , she accompany Furno and his friends to defeat the Brain King and the Brain Monsters . In her new form , Breez wields a plasma bow and saw shuriken and she controls the element of wind .
6.) Evo
- Evo was once a rookie member of Hero Recon Team alongside Rocka and Nex but was now promoted to become a member for Alpha 1 Team . He was also a "student" of Furno as Furno will promised to teach Evo a meaning of being a hero . During the attack of the Brain Monsters , Evo was the one to accompany Furno's Alpha 1 Team to put an end of the invasion . In this form , Evo's weapon was his twin-headed lance and his water-breathing equipment allowed him to survive underwater with ease . His elemental power was water .
7.) Bulk
-Bulk was a hardcore and tough hero who serves as a member of Alpha 1 Team . He also have a higher respect for his team but was dumb at the same time . However , he display his limitless strength in order to defeat his enemies . When a army of Brain Monsters led by the Brain King invaded the universe , bulk was the one of the members assembled by Furno to defeat the menacing threat once and for all . In his new form , Bulk's armor was virtually strong and his weapons were his drill blaster and iron steel . Bulk wields the elemental power of earth .
Monday, 8 April 2013
Why is Pretty Cure was related to Power Rangers ?
Well , there may a stupid question that was regarding to the two series , Power Rangers and Pretty Cure .Let me tell ya about both their same themes and differences between the two of them .
Well ... both of them are very different although they are in fact superheroes . But there's something different about them .
Power Rangers was the TV series that came from America , wheres Pretty Cure was an anime from Japan . Since Power Rangers was introduced in the year 1993 after Super Sentai , Pretty Cure debuts in the year 2004 which is a very long time ago .
In addition of this fact , they said that superheroes have their own respective color themes . However , there came a problem ... wheres the leader of the Power Rangers was red in color , the leader of Pretty Cure was pink in color .
Now talking about the villains of both series of these . These villains are officially always in the groups as their bosses will come later as the story progressed . Since the monsters of Power Rangers are completely humanoid in appearance , Pretty Cure monsters themselves are made of objects !
Let's now talk about the "supporting" allies of both Power Rangers and Pretty Cure alike . That robotic machines in Power Rangers are called the Zords , wheres the cute-looking animals in Pretty Cure are called Mascots (Well , not to mention of those mascots around world !) and they looked like a stuffed toys .
Well ... that's all i can tell you guys about this .
Well ... both of them are very different although they are in fact superheroes . But there's something different about them .
Power Rangers was the TV series that came from America , wheres Pretty Cure was an anime from Japan . Since Power Rangers was introduced in the year 1993 after Super Sentai , Pretty Cure debuts in the year 2004 which is a very long time ago .
In addition of this fact , they said that superheroes have their own respective color themes . However , there came a problem ... wheres the leader of the Power Rangers was red in color , the leader of Pretty Cure was pink in color .
Now talking about the villains of both series of these . These villains are officially always in the groups as their bosses will come later as the story progressed . Since the monsters of Power Rangers are completely humanoid in appearance , Pretty Cure monsters themselves are made of objects !
Let's now talk about the "supporting" allies of both Power Rangers and Pretty Cure alike . That robotic machines in Power Rangers are called the Zords , wheres the cute-looking animals in Pretty Cure are called Mascots (Well , not to mention of those mascots around world !) and they looked like a stuffed toys .
Well ... that's all i can tell you guys about this .
Saturday, 30 March 2013
Lego Hero Factory : Enemy List
1.) Furno's Enemies
- Von Nebula
- Fire Lord
- Witch Doctor
- Black Phantom
- Dragon Bolt
- Waspix
- Speeda Demon
- Aquagon
- Xplode
- Drilldozer
- Raw-Jaw
- Voltix
- Bruizer
- Corroder
- Jetbug
- Thornraxx
- Pyrox
- Meltdown
- XT-4
- Scarox
- Nitroblast
- Core Hunter
- Ogrum
- Thunder
- Fangz
- Jawblade
- Frost Beast
- Rotor
- Scorpio
- Splitface
- Toxic Reapa
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Lego Hero Factory : All William Furno's Forms Videos
1.) William Furno (2010)
First , this is Furno's original form since 2010 as he was once the rookie leader of Alpha-1 Team , the special elite of heroes . In this form , his armors were completely red in colour and his Hero Core was said to be fitted due to his special destiny as many believed . He also control over the elemental power of fire . His personal weapon was his trusty Dual Lava Sword .
2.) Furno 2.0 (2011)
Alright then , here is Furno 2.0 , the most secondary form of our hero . When facing a first losing battle against Fire Lord and his goons , Furno immediately upgraded into this form . In this form , he was equipped wit his Thermal Heat Visor , which allowed him to see through his enemies' heat conditions and he still retained his fire-based power . His weapon was his Multi-tool Shield Claw ,which doubled as both the bladed pincer and ice blaster .
3.) Furno 3.0 (2011)
Here is the summer set of ... Furno 3.0 ! When Witch Doctor had headed for Quatros , Furno immediately upgraded into his 3.0 form , which his new armors were consisted with the power of the eagle . In his new form , he was also fitted with two pairs of shoulder-fitted wing gliders , which allowed to fly across any highest areas with ease . His main weapon was his new Plasma Sword , which also act as the bow .
4.) Breakout Furno (2012)
Okay , here is Breakout version of 2012 Furno ! He was equipped with his aqua-pack instrument , which allowed him to fight underwater . So awesome ! He also retained his original head of 2010 . He also got a most powerful handcuff that he can uses to catch the aliens . His weapon of this theme was his Lava Blaster ... which also fitted with a sharp harpoon .
5.) Brain Attack Furno (2013)
Here is Furno XL and ... he is back ... stronger than ever ! Since both Stormer and Rocka got their XL forms in the past , Furno himself got his XL form this year . His head also looked different as it is as his head was upgraded . With this , Furno will take down all those monsters with ease ! His weapons are his Fire Sword and a Power Shield .
First , this is Furno's original form since 2010 as he was once the rookie leader of Alpha-1 Team , the special elite of heroes . In this form , his armors were completely red in colour and his Hero Core was said to be fitted due to his special destiny as many believed . He also control over the elemental power of fire . His personal weapon was his trusty Dual Lava Sword .
2.) Furno 2.0 (2011)
Alright then , here is Furno 2.0 , the most secondary form of our hero . When facing a first losing battle against Fire Lord and his goons , Furno immediately upgraded into this form . In this form , he was equipped wit his Thermal Heat Visor , which allowed him to see through his enemies' heat conditions and he still retained his fire-based power . His weapon was his Multi-tool Shield Claw ,which doubled as both the bladed pincer and ice blaster .
3.) Furno 3.0 (2011)
Here is the summer set of ... Furno 3.0 ! When Witch Doctor had headed for Quatros , Furno immediately upgraded into his 3.0 form , which his new armors were consisted with the power of the eagle . In his new form , he was also fitted with two pairs of shoulder-fitted wing gliders , which allowed to fly across any highest areas with ease . His main weapon was his new Plasma Sword , which also act as the bow .
4.) Breakout Furno (2012)
Okay , here is Breakout version of 2012 Furno ! He was equipped with his aqua-pack instrument , which allowed him to fight underwater . So awesome ! He also retained his original head of 2010 . He also got a most powerful handcuff that he can uses to catch the aliens . His weapon of this theme was his Lava Blaster ... which also fitted with a sharp harpoon .
5.) Brain Attack Furno (2013)
Here is Furno XL and ... he is back ... stronger than ever ! Since both Stormer and Rocka got their XL forms in the past , Furno himself got his XL form this year . His head also looked different as it is as his head was upgraded . With this , Furno will take down all those monsters with ease ! His weapons are his Fire Sword and a Power Shield .
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