Wednesday 4 March 2020

Valkyrie Crusade - Oracle x Calamity Moments

  • Calamity: No, I did not mean to deny our friendship. It is simply... I never had friends such as you before. So, um... heh heh heh. Yes, we are indeed friends. And unlike the Eight Demon Ministers, ours is a relationship of pure friendship.
  • Oracle: Indeed it is, Calamity. We are your friends, and we shall ever be on your side.

  •  Calamity: Lady Oracle, you and the Celestial Realmers truly saved the day. Had you not been here, I would surely have slain Primila. And that would have set off a bitter chain of events without end. It was you who saved my dream. And for that, i truly thank you.
  • Oracle: N-No need to thank us, Calamity. It was the natural thing for us to do. After all, we are friends, are we not?
  • Calamity: Yes... yes, we are. Hee hee.

  •  Oracle: Bonds of friendship between the Celestial and Demon realms... 'Tis a wonderful thing indeed, is it not?
  • Calamity: Yes, the way those two interact is much like the relationship I dream of one day forming between our realms. Oracle, let us strive to forge more such bonds and to make them stronger.
  • Oracle: Yes, let us do that!