Monday 8 April 2013

Why is Pretty Cure was related to Power Rangers ?

Well , there may a stupid question that was regarding to the two series , Power Rangers and Pretty Cure .Let me tell ya about both their same themes and differences between the two of them .
Well ... both of them are very different although they are in fact superheroes . But there's something different about them .
Power Rangers was the TV series that came from America , wheres Pretty Cure was an anime from Japan . Since Power Rangers was introduced in the year 1993 after Super Sentai , Pretty Cure debuts in the year 2004 which is a very long time ago .
In addition of this fact , they said that superheroes have their own respective color themes . However , there came a problem ... wheres the leader of the Power Rangers was red in color , the leader of Pretty Cure was pink in color .
Now talking about the villains of both series of these . These villains are officially always in the groups as their bosses will come later as the story progressed . Since the monsters of Power Rangers are completely humanoid in appearance , Pretty Cure monsters themselves are made of objects !
Let's now talk about the "supporting" allies of both Power Rangers and Pretty Cure alike . That robotic machines in Power Rangers are called the Zords , wheres the cute-looking animals in Pretty Cure are called Mascots (Well , not to mention of those mascots around world !) and they looked like a stuffed toys .
Well ... that's all i can tell you guys about this .