Monday 25 November 2013

Bionicle 2008 - Toa Nuva's Final Mission : Invade Destral

Greeting , Toa Nuva . 
At last , a golden chance of victory is rising and it's about a right time to strike now . It appears that the Great Spirit Mata Nui must be awaken once more .
There are good news and bad news . The good news is that your friend , Toa Ignika is the key to the reawakening of the Great Spirit as he was now wearing the Mask of Life and this mask will awaken Mata Nui as i finally found the source of Mata Nui's reawakening : the Codrex which is the mind of Mata Nui .
But the bad news is : that the Codrex was located inside the place which is none other that Destral , the fortress of the Brotherhood of Makuta and it won't be easy . Destral is a very dangerous place and was packed with the members of the Brotherhood of Makuta and their army . Also , avoid the deadly traps and hidden weapons inside as well .
However , we don't have much time left . The Great Spirit Mata Nui must be awakened once more . Infiltrate the Brotherhood of Makuta Fortress , find the location of the Codrex and end this once and for all . 
This is your last battle , fellow Toa . You got to succeed this time because there won't be any second chance .Good Luck and may the Great Beings guide you .

Main Objectives :
  • Infiltrate Destral and find the way into the Codrex .
  • Find all the Shadow Matoran and change them back into Av-Matoran . Remember not to hurt or kill them all .
  • Find Kopaka and free him from the control that the Brotherhood of Makuta placed .
  • Escort Toa Ignika . He is the key to the reawakening of Mata Nui . He must not be get killed during the battle .
  • Defeat all the Rahkshi and the Visorak .
  • Destroy 10 generators that supported the Brotherhood of Makuta fortress .
  • Look for the keycard of the Cordrex .
  • Defeat all the members of the Brotherhood of Makuta and end their reign of terror once and for all .
Optional Objectives :

It appeared that you also had the bonus mission which was during your final mission . I got the recent news as it goes like this : the Order of Mata Nui have reported that their prisoner Pridak , a Barraki was recently captured by some members of the Brotherhood of Makuta and was now imprisoned inside their fortress . I still do not know what the Brotherhood of Makuta want from him but i can't explain the reason after that . 
If he was reported to be still alive , i suggested that you need to rescue Pridak and escort him back to Metru Nui . The Order of Mata Nui will send an airship that will come and pick him up once the job is done .
  • Your objective is to locate Pridak and free him . After that , escort him to the courtyard ; this place might be easier for the airship to land and pick him up .

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